List of 10 Arabica Coffee Side Effects

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Arabica coffee is one of the most popular coffees in the world. This popularity comes from its rich flavor and aroma. There are several benefits of this lovely coffee, but now we are going to talk about Arabica coffee side effects.
Without moderating Arabica coffee consumption, many side effects will appear due to its high caffeine content, like anxiety symptoms, sleep disruption, digestive issues, dehydration, etc. If you want to know about these drawbacks, keep reading.

What Are Arabica Coffee Side Effects?

Here is a list of Arabica coffee side effects that you should know to care about. Remember that while these side effects are possible, they may not affect everyone who consumes Arabica coffee.

Anxiety Symptoms

Restlessness, anxiety, and jitteriness are some of the Arabica coffee side effects. High caffeine in Arabica coffee may lead those who overconsume coffee to experience these feelings more than regular. Caffeine stimulates the release of cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones that accelerate your heart rate, breathing, and brain activity.

As a result, you may experience more frequent anxiety attacks or worsening generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms like excessive worry, restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, and sleep issues. [1] Consuming more than 400mg of caffeine per day (around 4-5 cups of coffee) has been linked to anxiety disorders.

Sleep Disruption

Caffeine also reduces deep-wave sleep, leaving you feeling unsatisfied and groggy the next morning. Over time, regularly skimping on deep sleep can take a toll on your cognitive function, mental health, and metabolic health.

Your sleep patterns will be affected by the caffeine content in Arabic coffee. Consuming coffee close to bedtime or in the evening will make staying asleep or falling asleep difficult. Caffeine is a stimulant that can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Its effects typically last for 4-6 hours but can persist for up to 8-10 hours in some people. Coffee consumed within 6 hours of bedtime can negatively impact your ability to fall asleep and reduuce total sleep time by 1 hour. [2]


Digestive Issues

Many coffee drinkers experience digestive issues like acid reflux, heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) after coffee consumption. Coffee is highly acidic and can aggravate conditions like GERD or gastritis.

Arabica coffee can have a laxative effect and may stimulate bowel movements. Its caffeine content stimulates gastric motility and colonic muscle contraction, which can induce urgent bowel movements or loose stools, especially in those already prone to IBS. [3]


Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means it can increase urine production and potentially lead to dehydration if you do not drink enough fluids to compensate.

The caffeine in coffee blocks adenosine receptors, which normally promote water reabsorption by the kidneys. With this function hindered, the kidneys remove more fluid from the bloodstream into the urine. Signs include infrequent urination, dark urine, fatigue, headache, dizziness and dry mouth or lips. [4]


Excess caffeine intake from coffee, especially later in the day, can make some people feel restless, jittery, and generally overstimulated. Caffeine triggers the release of catecholamines like adrenaline, which induce fight-or-flight effects like rapid heartbeat, surging blood pressure, and restlessness.

Many people experience “caffeine jitters” within 30 minutes of drinking coffee as these excitatory effects peak. Caffeine can also exacerbate restless leg syndrome (RLS), a condition characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs that are only relieved by moving them. [5]

Arabica coffee side effects - anxiety


Frequent or excessive coffee consumption can cause headaches in some people. Caffeine helps constrict blood vessels in the brain, reducing blood flow. This characteristic makes it useful for treating certain types of headaches. However, regularly consuming 2-3 cups per day can have the opposite effect on those prone to headaches.

Coffee also impacts hormones like cortisol linked to headache prevalence. To prevent caffeine-related headaches, avoid abruptly ceasing coffee and limit intake to 200-300mg of caffeine per day through moderate consumption. [6]

Irregular Heartbeat

The high caffeine content of Arabica coffee causes an increase in heart rate. This could be more possible for those who consume a large amount of Arabica coffee or those with a heart disease history.

Caffeine strongly stimulates heart muscle contraction and spikes adrenaline levels, which accelerate your heartbeat. These erratic rhythms increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, heart failure, and other complications.

Normal caffeine intake under 400mg per day is unlikely to trigger a serious arrhythmia in healthy adults, but those with underlying heart conditions should use caution and limit or avoid caffeine. [7]

heart rate

Blood Pressure Effects

Caffeine consumption can cause spikes and drops in blood pressure, especially in people prone to hypertension. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which normally help widen blood vessels to allow for healthy blood flow.

Without this effect, caffeine triggers vascular constriction and spikes blood pressure. While acute boosts are temporary, chronic coffee drinkers develop a tolerance wherein stopping caffeine intake can then cause rebound dilation and plummeting blood pressure.

Those with hypertension should limit caffeine to 200mg or less per day maximum, avoid caffeine at least 3 hours before bedtime, and monitor blood pressure closely to stabilize levels. [8]

Addiction & Dependency

Coffee can cause addiction like other things. The caffeine dependency after consuming coffee for a long time is so annoying, and stopping it has many side effects like headache and fatigue.

Caffeine stimulates dopamine pathways associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. In vulnerable individuals, this can reinforce addictive intake for the mood lift. Avoiding caffeine once reliant elicits withdrawal symptoms like headaches, drowsiness, irritability, brain fog, and depression that further perpetuate dependence. [9]

Staining of Teeth

Coffee can contribute to tooth discoloration over time due to its tannin content and chlorogenic acid. High consumption of Arabica coffee lead to the gradual yellowing or staining of teeth. [10]

Arabica Coffee is Not Always Bad

Arabica Coffee Benefits

Moderation is key to reaping the advantages of Arabica coffee while minimizing potential risks.
Here is a list of Arabica coffee benefits:

  1. Improved cognitive function
  2. Antioxidant properties
  3. Increased metabolism and fat burning
  4. Potential protection against certain diseases
  5. Enhanced physical performance
  6. Reduced risk of depression and improved mood


In conclusion, Arabica coffee has a rich flavor due to its high caffeine content. There are some common side effects, including anxiety symptoms, sleep disruption, digestive issues, dehydration, restlessness, headaches, irregular heartbeat, blood pressure effects, and addiction dependency. Nevertheless, it’s important to know that moderated Arabica coffee consumption offers many benefits. Your personal tolerance for caffeine and any pre-existing health conditions may affect the mentioned Arabica coffee side effects and benefits.

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