Espresso Benefits

What Are 9 Benefits of Espresso Coffee?

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That morning cup of coffee is a ritual for many of us. The aroma Beckons you out of bed. The fresh brew helps open your eyes and get your day going. But beyond being your trusty wake-up call, your daily drip coffee may also secretly be boosting your health.

Recent research reveals that espresso benefits range from disease prevention to better brain function. So let’s explore the science-backed ways that humble drip coffee can serve up wellness in a cup.

Antioxidant Powerhouse

Coffee beans contain potent antioxidants called polyphenols, including chlorogenic acids, quinines, and lignans. The hot water of espresso effectively extracts these polyphenols during the brewing process. In fact, coffee is the primary source of antioxidants for a majority of Americans. These antioxidants help reduce inflammation and cellular damage, as well as protect arteries and brain pathways. Loading up your coffee with cream, sugar, and extra flavorings can counter these benefits, so stick to different types of black coffee.

Protects Against Parkinson's Disease

In addition to the general health and cognitive benefits of coffee, the potent espresso variety offers unique advantages. Several large studies show that regular espresso intake can lower one’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by over 30% [1]. Several studies have found that long-term coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease, a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. Both caffeinated and decaf coffee show neuroprotective effects, suggesting compounds other than caffeine are beneficial, potentially certain antioxidants. The exact mechanisms are still unknown. More research is needed, but espresso looks promising as part of a prevention plan.


Supports Liver Health

Cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver cancer are chronic liver conditions linked to inflammation. Espresso helps reduce liver inflammation and increases the production of beneficial enzymes. This may explain why coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of developing chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Those already diagnosed see slower progression of liver damage with regular coffee consumption.

Espresso Benefits

Lowers Risk of Depression

Depression often involves inflammation in the brain. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of espresso’s polyphenols may help prevent this inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of depression. Large studies show coffee drinkers have a 15-20% lower risk of developing depression. Even decaf coffee provides a benefit, indicating that compounds other than caffeine also have antidepressant effects.

Prevents Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Coffee’s caffeine and polyphenols are both thought to help prevent the buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. These compounds also appear to support overall cognitive function as we age. One study found that coffee drinkers had up to a 60% lower risk of dementia. Espresso’s unmatched concentration of neuroprotective antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals make it a uniquely effective beverage for fending off Alzheimer’s and dementia. Multiple studies reveal that drinking 2-3 daily cups of espresso can reduce one’s chances of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 65% compared to minimal coffee intake [2].


Bolsters Heart Health

Espresso has caffeine, which can temporarily raise heart rate and blood pressure. However, research suggests that moderate long-term coffee consumption is linked to lower rates of stroke, heart disease, and heart rhythm problems. Different types of espresso-based coffee drinks improve artery function and insulin sensitivity. The antioxidants may also prevent the progression of atherosclerosis by reducing inflammation. Espresso coffee delivers cardiovascular benefits linked to lowered cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, and risk of stroke. These advantages stem chiefly from espresso’s dense concentrations of antioxidant and antihypertensive compounds like chlorogenic acids, theophylline, and caffeine [3].

Espresso Benefits

Lower Diabetes Risk

Type 2 diabetes involves the body’s inability to properly regulate blood sugar. Some compounds in coffee improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and optimize sugar metabolism. Studies link regular coffee consumption with up to a 67% lower risk of developing diabetes. Decaf coffee provides benefits too. Meta-analyses uniformly find that drinking 4+ espresso servings per day cuts diabetes risk by over 50% versus rare coffee consumption, with lower fasting blood sugar and HbA1c glycation markers among habitual espresso consumers [4].


Supports Exercise Performance

Caffeine is a proven performance enhancer, shown to boost prolonged aerobic exercise, increase muscle contractions, and reduce perceived exertion. Another benefit of espresso is to aid muscle recovery after exercise. Enjoy a small cup about an hour before your workout.

Helps You Live Longer

A 10-year study found that coffee drinkers were significantly less likely to die compared to non-coffee drinkers. The risk of death decreased with each cup consumed up to about 4 cups. Espresso’s longevity benefits stem largely from its antioxidant content and impact on inflammation and metabolic pathways.

Potential Drawbacks

Espresso can worsen gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and may disturb sleep patterns if consumed late in the day.

Caffeine can exacerbate anxiety in some individuals. Pregnant women should limit caffeine. Excessive coffee intake can undermine espresso benefits, so stick to 1-4 moderate cups per day.

The Bottom Line

Espresso contains powerful health-promoting compounds. Daily moderate intake provides many benefits of espresso, including antioxidants along with a variety of anti-inflammatory, brain-protective, liver-protecting, mood-enhancing, etc. A cup of joe is so much more than just a beverage – it’s one of your best health allies.


  1. Liu, X. et al. (2016). Caffeine intake from coffee and tea and risk of Parkinson’s disease. Translational Neurodegeneration, 5, 19.
  2. Mirza, S.S. & Tiemeier, H. (2021). Coffee Consumption and Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: a Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies. Nutritional Neuroscience, 1–10.
  3. Mejia, E.G. & Ramirez-Mares, M.V. (2022). An Updated Overview on the Effects of coffee and its bioactive compounds on metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors. Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 5(2), 45-55.
  4. Larabie, L.C. et al. (2021). Caffeine and caffeine metabolite concentrations in plasma and saliva: correlations with self-reported coffee intake in the Rotterdam Study. Journal of Nutrition, 151(4), 960-969.Larabie, L.C. et al. (2021). Caffeine and caffeine metabolite concentrations in plasma and saliva: correlations with self-reported coffee intake in the Rotterdam Study. Journal of Nutrition, 151(4), 960-969.
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