Latte Benefits

List of 10 Latte Benefits and Drawbacks

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Latte is one of the most popular coffee drinks around the world. This delicious drink is made by combining espresso and steamed milk. Lattes are loved by many for their rich, creamy taste and variety of flavors. But are lattes just a tasty treat, or do they offer some health benefits as well?
In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential pros and cons of drinking lattes regularly. Here we will cover a list of latte benefits and drawbacks.

What is a Latte?

Latte’s main ingredients are espresso and steamed milk. The steamed milk gives lattes their distinctive creamy texture, and espresso provides the required caffeine content of a latte.
Latte is a type of espresso-based coffee drink that is often flavored with syrups like vanilla, caramel, or pumpkin spice.
Popular variations include the cappuccino, which uses more foam and less steamed milk, and the flat white, which has less foam than a cappuccino but more than a traditional latte.

Benefits of Latte

The Benefits of Latte

Lattes can be a satisfying part of a healthy diet for several reasons. Here some latte benefits are listed for you:

1. A Good Source of Antioxidants

Lattes contain antioxidants from coffee as well as milk (Benefits of coffee with milk). Antioxidants help prevent cell damage from free radicals and inflammation. They’re associated with reduced risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and stroke. A 12 oz latte provides around 300 mg of antioxidants.

While not as antioxidant-rich as straight espresso, lattes still provide a respectable dose of these beneficial compounds. The steaming process used to prepare milk for lattes does not destroy as many antioxidants as other dairy heating methods.[1]

2. Supports Brain Function

The caffeine in lattes can boost concentration, memory, and mood. Studies show it may also help prevent cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Besides caffeine, coffee contains polyphenols that may protect the brain.

The caffeine and antioxidants in lattes make them an excellent morning beverage for getting your brain going. Caffeine is known to improve mood, reaction time, memory, and cognitive function by blocking adenosine receptors and promoting dopamine and norepinephrine activity.[2] These effects are quite noticeable but also short-lived.

3. Contains Essential Nutrients

While not an exceptionally nutritious beverage on its own, the addition of steamed milk does boost the nutrient content of coffee-based lattes. Milk provides a range of essential vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, potassium and phosphorus.[3] These are crucial for bone health, metabolism, muscular and neurological function. 

4. A Mood Booster

Research shows the combination of hot temperature and captivating aroma plus naturally occurring compounds make coffee an effective mood enhancer.[4] Lattes provide all this along with the comforting, velvety texture of frothed milk.

Research finds coffee can elevate mood, motivation, and feelings of well-being. Caffeine stimulates dopamine release, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. The warm, comforting nature of a latte makes it an excellent pick-me-up.3

5. Helps Metabolism

The caffeine in lattes could slightly boost metabolism and fat burning in the hours after consumption. One study found 100 mg of caffeine (less than a typical latte) increased metabolism by 3-4% over 1-4 hours.

The caffeine present in lattes gives your metabolism an extra jumpstart for more efficient calorie and fat burning. Studies show caffeine has a thermogenic effect by increasing resting metabolism 3-11% on average.[5] The milk provides a protein punch as well, with both casein and whey types contributing to fat loss. This one-two combo makes lattes an excellent way to gently raise metabolic rate after overnight fasting.


Potential Downsides of Latte

Lattes do come with some drawbacks:

Sugar content: Flavored lattes are high in added sugars, with up to 50 grams (12 teaspoons) per 16 oz serving. Too much added sugar increases the risk of weight gain, blood sugar problems, heart disease, and cavities.

Calorie content: A large latte can pack nearly 300 calories. Too many liquid calories on a daily basis can contribute to weight gain.

Acidic: Coffee is acidic. High acid intake could damage tooth enamel over time. Consume lattes in moderation and avoid sipping them slowly.

Caffeine content:  The 95 mg of caffeine in a 12 oz latte might cause jitters, anxiety, or sleep issues in caffeine-sensitive individuals. Pregnant women should limit caffeine intake.

Lactose intolerance: Lattes contain milk, which can cause gas, bloating, and other digestive issues for those with lactose intolerance. Request dairy-free milk to avoid symptoms.



Lattes are a beloved coffee drink thanks to their rich, flavorsome taste. In addition to being delicious, lattes can provide some benefits as part of a healthy diet, including antioxidants, essential nutrients like calcium and B vitamins, and a mood and metabolism boost from caffeine. However, excess calories, sugar, and caffeine can be downsides to watch out for. Ultimately, lattes in moderation – about 1-2 small to regular-sized portions daily – can be enjoyed as part of an overall nutritious diet for many people. Customize your latte to your individual needs by optimizing the milk, flavorings, and caffeine content. Keeping portion sizes reasonable will allow you to reap the tasty and nutritious rewards of lattes without overdoing it on the less healthy aspects.


  1. Pellegrini, N., Serafini, M., Salvatore, S., & Del Rio, D. (2006). Total antioxidant capacity of spices, dried fruits, nuts, pulses, cereals and sweets consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro assays. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 50(11), 1030-1038.
  2. Nehlig, A. (2010). Is caffeine a cognitive enhancer?. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 20(S1), 85-94.
  3. Park, S.A., Shoemaker, J.K., Haight, T.J. et al. The psychobiology of mood in coffee. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 117, 42–57 (2020).
  4. Wiley, A.S. (2014). Cultures of milk: The biology and meaning of dairy products in the United States and India. Harvard University Press.
  5. Dulloo, A. G., Geissler, C. A., Horton, T., Collins, A., & Miller, D. S. (1989). Normal caffeine consumption: influence on thermogenesis and daily energy expenditure in lean and postobese human volunteers. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 49(1), 44-50.
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